Case Studies

Laidlaw College, Centre for Distance Learning

Rimage System Delivers Reliable & Professional Looking Results

With the new Rimage system in place, we have produced over 6000 discs with very little trouble; just set up the jobs and walk away.

Laidlaw College, Centre for Distance Learning


Laidlaw College, Centre for Distance Learning


Delivering several gigabytes of data created unique challenges that required a professional solution


  • Rimage Professional™ 3400
  • Rimage Everest® Thermal Printer Publishing System

Laidlaw College Centre for Distance Learning provides a dynamic learning environment for over 1100 students throughout New Zealand and around the world. The integrated courses offered at Laidlaw bring together a blend of multimedia, virtual classrooms, online tutoring, and up-to-date scholarship studies. According to Charles Erlam, Director of the Centre for Distance Learning at Laidlaw College, the process of reproducing study materials for distribution to the community of distance learning students is an integral component of a broader business process. The college must provide students with relevant and current curriculum for the successful completion of their college degree.

“With the new Rimage system in place, we have produced over 6000 discs with very little trouble; just set up the jobs and walk away.”
Charles Erlam, Director of the Centre for Distance Learning at Laidlaw College


The array of study materials needed for students to complete the distance learning classes had transformed the way Laidlaw needed to interact with students. The large amounts of content ran into several gigabytes of data, creating unique challenges requiring a professional solution. “The content each student needed for classes included video clips, interviews, presentations and a variety of documents. Given the volume of data –2GB or more per student–distribution via CDs is more efficient,” Erlam said.

With Laidlaw College operating two semesters per annum, CD duplication was required on a large scale twice a year. “It’s six weeks of high activity where we needed the disc publisher to put together entire course packs for our distance learning students,” Erlam said. The system had to be reliable and hands-free. For over a decade, the current method of content distribution had worked. However, two factors were conspiring against the college: increasing volumes of data and interruptions to CD production due to the age of the previous system.


Faced with the increased need for quality and reliability, the solution for the college was to put a system in place that was cost effective, easy-to-use and provided professional results. Jennifer Hall, Business Manager at Comworth Technologies, recommended the Rimage Professional™ 3400 Disc Publishing System as an optimal choice for the tasks at hand and for the college’s future endeavors.

The Centre for Distance Learning purchased a Professional 3400, supplied by Comworth Technologies. The device not only reproduced CDs reliably and at volume, but also printed photo-quality images directly on the discs.

For the average student that attends Laidlaw College, CDs remain the preferred media format. As technology evolves, the Rimage system allows Laidlaw to produce CDs, DVDs and also Blu-ray Discs™ all with one machine.


The Professional 3400 offered the college the option of a fully automated, in-house digital publishing solution, designed for high-volume use with low long-term cost of ownership. With two front-swappable recorders, a 100-disc input capacity and a 5-disc external output bin, the machine was ideal in helping Laidlaw College to produce over 2000 discs per semester.

The old machine led to an appreciation of how critical CD duplication was to the efficiently run the distance learning department. “With the new Rimage system in place, we have produced over 6000 discs with very little trouble; just set up the jobs and walk away,” Erlam confirmed.

What was also of considerable value to the college was customer service and technical support. “They provide assurance that when the pressure is on and something goes wrong, we can get back up and running with minimal disruption,” said Erlam.

The thermal retransfer printing technology delivers photo-quality images that are printed directly on the disc. The result is a product that looks professionally manufactured, but created in-house. For Laidlaw College, the fact that they could design and publish CDs was a bonus, as it allowed consistent branding across all study materials. “We can now produce professional looking CDs that provide up-to-date and comprehensive information to prospective students. By using the Professional 3400 at the college, there was no longer any need to contract out the reproduction of CDs to a third-party vendor at peak times. The results are professional, and it is quicker, easier and more cost-effective to publish discs on-demand,” Erlam said.

With the Professional 3400, Laidlaw College was able to fulfill all its requirements for CD duplication cost-effectively and efficiently. “We know exactly how much each disc will cost and that makes future budgeting easy. The frustration and time-wasting associated with an interruption to our business processes are a thing of the past, and our students receive high-quality study material on time, every time,” he concluded.

Case Studies

