Case Studies

PixFusion LLC

Turns Kids into Characters with the Rimage Disc Publishing Solution

After exploring several competitors, it was evident that the Rimage system was the superior and more robust solutions.

PixFusion LLC


PicFusion LLC, NY, NY


Streamline Production Process


Two networked Rimage Producer™ III 7100 systems with:

  • Separate embedded processors
  • Four CD/DVD recording drives
  • Two integrated Everest® thermal retransfer direct-to-disc printers

PixFusion LLC develops personalized media products for the consumer market, as well as advertising and promotional applications for various clients. The company uses patented technology to incorporate children’s faces and names into customized DVDs with their favorite animated characters, such as Spiderman, Dora the Explorer, Care Bears and other popular licensed properties.

More than 500,000 of these personalized photo and audio DVDs have been sold under the Kideo brand name. When PixFusion began to experience increased demand for Kideo products, the company looked to Rimage disc publishing solutions to bolster its production capacity and provide customers with even more personalization options.

“After exploring several competitors, it was evident that the Rimage system was the superior and more robust solutions”
Marc E. Jaffe, Cheif Executive Officer PixFusion, LLC


Prior to implementing its Rimage solution, PixFusion’s DVD production process was limited in capacity, efficiency and optimization. The old production system required one step to encode an MPEG file, another step to create a DVD file, and a third to imprint graphics on the DVD. The three-step process resulted in a longer turnaround time per disc and an increased risk for error. “The old system would produce 600 discs in an eight-hour shift,” said Marc Jaffe, chief executive officer for PixFusion. “Thus, in addition to limiting our capacity, the old production methods left us with too much inventory and high labor costs.”


PixFusion needed a more efficient production solution in order to streamline its multi-step process.

After thorough research, the Rimage system emerged as the most highly touted product of its kind. Both a graphics consultant and an independent IT consultant recommended Rimage over any other DVD publishing solution. “After exploring three or four competitors, it was evident that no other system was even in the same league as Rimage,” Jaffe said.

To begin their system integration, PixFusion used Rimage’s robust software development kit (SDK) to author a plug-in that connects with the company’s existing video digitizer. PixFusion is now able to encode the MPEG file, create the DVD and print the disc artwork all in one step, and the turnaround for completely customized DVDs is four times faster than before. The Rimage system can create more than 2,300 discs per day, nearly four times as many as previously possible. Also, because of its efficient, direct-to-disc Everest printing technology, the Rimage system significantly reduced PixFusion’s cost per disc and labor expenses.

Currently, PixFusion delivers its Kideo product by creating a DVD and shipping it to consumers. In the future, PixFusion hopes to deliver their content locally at retail sites, maximizing the investment of the Rimage system. For example, the company would send personalized content to a retail kiosk via a broadband connection, then the retailer would produce the DVD on-site using a local Rimage system. As a result, the retailer would not just utilize the Rimage system for their traditional photo workflow, but they could increase revenue and profits by delivering additional content. “PixFusion represents the fusion of pictures with other media,” Jaffe said. “Together with Rimage, we can create a new fusion of digital content and digital output delivered on a local, on-demand basis.”


Permanent Direct-to-Disc Printing – An All-In-One Solution

Creating unique, permanent imprints for its products is an important priority for PixFusion. The company had been relying on a separate disc printing solution, which slowed down the production process. With Rimage digital publishing technology, discs are recorded and printed as part of one simple process. PixFusion can now produce brighter, more durable and professional-looking DVDs, allowing the company to add significant customer value by further personalizing the disc surface with a child’s name and picture. In addition, the Rimage solution prints barcodes on each disc, giving PixFusion the ability to track orders more efficiently by matching each DVD to an inventory database.

Efficient Operation Boosts Return-On-Investment

Using the Rimage digital publishing solution has resulted in major cost savings for PixFusion. Not only is the recording and printing process more than four times faster than before, but the Rimage system’s hands-off operation also reduces the need for user intervention, saving additional labor costs. Plus, there is potential for additional product personalization. Since the Rimage system can produce custom imprints for each disc, it increases the customer’s perceived value of the product. “Although we only have been using the Rimage equipment for a few months, we are well on our way to achieving significant ROI,” said Jaffe. “It’s possible that the Rimage units could pay for themselves in less than a year.”

“Because of our increased efficiencies, the Rimage system has created a process that will allow us to further personalize each DVD in the future.”
Marc E. Jaffe, Cheif Executive Officer PixFusion, LLC

Case Studies

